
I'm a naturally curious writer of prose turned writer of code. I'm excited by the ability to pull from diverse sources to solve large problems - a practice coding, analytical writing, and teaching yoga all share. In 2019, I completed the Grace Hopper Program at Fullstack Academy, and the NYU MA in English. Currently coding in JavaScript, but excited to learn new things!

Everything I approach I do so with curiosity, empathy, and resilience. I see technology as a tool to empower and connect people. I'm always looking to work with bright, kind, diverse teams to find dynamic solutions to the complex problems people face in their daily lives. I'm based in New York. Have an idea in mind? Let's chat!


Joni is a Guatemalan street pup. She's obsessed with people, Prospect Park, and chihuahuas.


Indy is an Oakland cat. She's obsessed with Joni. Joni tolerates her.

Artists - Thank you to Ebbs 'N' Flows Photography for the portrait, to Johnny Galvan for the yoga photo, and to Tusk and Cardinal for the commissioned logo.